About Luke

Wellbeing Coach & Somatic Therapist
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My Story

Hi. My name is Luke. As a Wellbeing Coach and Somatic Therapist, I’ve been able to integrate my broad personal, academic, and professional experience into a unique approach for helping others. Today, I utilize compassionate inquiry, somatic practices, and healthy lifestyle strategies to help clients experience more vitality, authenticity, and inner peace in everyday life. 

Something that my meditation practice – as well as guidance from my teachers Graham Mead, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, and Lenny Parracino – has taught me is that authentic change begins with silence, stillness, and the courage to look inward. We may not like what we find there, but getting into our body is where the real work of change is done. 

‘The Inner Work’ transforms the way we relate to our mind, body, & world. 

While this requires radical self-acceptance, ruthless honesty, and Yoda-like patience, present moment awareness is the greatest gift you bring into relationship.

The core of what I do is reconnecting clients with their body so that they learn how to listen to their body and wisdom it has to offer. I’ve worked with executives transitioning into a life of greater meaning, facilitated yoga and meditation for refugees in New Zealand, helped couples reestablish healthy and compassionate communication, worked with obese clients reclaiming their health, and led mindfulness sessions for professional fighters and recovering addicts.

My own personal journey through addiction and mental health challenges brought me back to the world of academia. My doctoral research examined meditation as an intervention for men with pornography addiction. Many men need support for their mental health.

Men – and all human beings – turn to pornography or other behaviors as a way of coping with or avoiding uncomfortable emotional states.

Currently, I am a practitioner, mentor, facilitator, and perpetual student of Compassionate Inquiry, a therapeutic approach developed by renowned Gabor Maté, aimed at helping people unearth the root causes of their suffering and self-destructive cycles.

Education & Certifications

  • PhD – Psychology
  • Professional Certification and Training with Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
  • PgDip – Drug & Alcohol Studies
  • MS – Sustainable Food Systems
  • Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Mentor, & Facilitator
  • Certified Yin Yoga Teacher
  • Certification in Bio-Psychosocial Chronic Pain Rehabilitation
  • Certifications in various wellness modalities
  • Vipassana Meditator
  • Passionate & Committed Father
Luke Sniewski byog meditating in Auckland